Episode 09: Texas Podcast Massacre

Zombie Alex

Zombie Alex checks the tape holding the mic to his face. High production values when we record!

In this episode Ryan terrifies the other guys with his attempt at a Dracula voice, Alex has a mic taped to his face and John whines like a little girl during a Spooky Sounds game.

The ATCpod crew talks horror movies for this spooky Halloween episode.
Starting as kids watching scary movies, the first movie to really scare you and a general, looping discussion about horror that comes around to end on the tactic of rooting for the bad guy in horror films.
In a Halloween themed game Ryan pits Alex and John against each other to THE DEATH!
ATCpod Episode 09: Texas Podcast Massacre

Show Notes

3:52 Current entertainment
Alex: American Horror Story
Ryan: 30 Rock, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Forward Unto Dawn
John: The World Series
10:45 Shiner goofs & Twitter recognition
12:29 Last episode oversight in creepy games: Silent Hill & Resident Evil
13:56 Large scary movie discussion
49:08 Rooting for the Bad Guy
John: Hannibal Lecter
Alex: Nobody
Ryan: Michael Myers
57:59 Deliverance: Is it a horror movie?
59:42 Intermission: Blues riff by Justin Sessink
1:00:11 Spooky Sounds game

Extra, Extra! 013: Horror Survival

In a preview of the episode hitting tomorrow the guys discuss what horror situations they would be able to survive in and which ones they would die in.

Extra, Extra! 013: Horror Survival

Extra, Extra! 012: It was Scary!

Extra, Extra! Alex, Ryan and John talk about things that scared them at first, but then became silly as they got older.

What made you scream, then eventually laugh?

Let us know. Comment here on Twitter @ATCpod or atcpod@gmail.com

Extra, Extra! 012: It was Scary!

Feed Me, Seymour!

Any of you who use, or want to use, the RSS Feed to subscribe to our podcasty greatness should take notice that there is now a better feed available through Feedburner.

As great as wordpress is, it’s web customization of the feed was too convoluted.

This will likely mean a switch in the iTunes as well, but I haven’t done it yet, because I’m still adjusting some stuff.

The new feed address is http://feeds.feedburner.com/atcpod

After a while the WordPress feed will shut down, I’ll keep you updated.

ATCpod Episode 08: Are You Afraid of the Podcast?

As an on-ramp to our spooky Halloween movie discussion the full crew talks about other scary entertainment, such as TV shows like The Walking Dead, The Twilight Zone, Are You Afraid of the Dark and video games like Dead Island, DayZ and WarZ.

First up though, we officially announce Banner, by Scenario, as our new official theme song.
Alex talks a little music to balance out John and Ryan after their Episode 7 ROCK FEST! The discussion brings to light the questions, was Alex a diversity hire? Possibly. Are John and Ryan extremely white? Likely.

AUDIO ISSUE: During the episode Ryan’s mic decides to go all 1950s…sorry.

ATCpod Episode 08: Are You Afraid of the Podcast?


0 – 4:22 Intro – Official announcement of new theme song
4:23 – 12:21  Alex contributes his music tastes
12:23 – 19:52  Current entertainment
19:54 – 50:03  Scary entertainment (except for movies…but actually, movies a little)
22:40 – 30:34 The Walking Dead spoilers
45:21 – 46:10 Mini Red Light, Green Light from Alex Amnesia: The Dark Decent.
50:04 – 50:26 Intermission: Music by Scenario
50:27 – 58:13 The Fake News
58:15 – 59:19 ATC on the Web
59:20 – End  Sponsorship riff

Extra, Extra! 010: Upcoming Movies

Extra, Extra! John and Ryan talk about upcoming movies like Life of Pi, Lincoln, The Hobbit and Red Dawn. WOLVERINES!

Extra, Extra: 010 – Upcoming movies

Extra, Extra! 009: Background noise

Extra, Extra! Ryan & John talk on entertainment you throw on in the background, to pass the time, or in Ryan’s case, stop the crushing loneliness.

Extra, Extra! 009: Background noise

Episode 07: Music Theories

In this week’s episode Ryan and John carry on without Alex and take the opportunity of his incarceration (or whatever it was) to talk about ROCK! and some other music, in preparation for an upcoming discussion about live music (probably in 3 or so episodes).

Early on Ryan realizes he’s been off the mic a bit too much because of paranoia about running the show controls, so his solution? To drink more…sound thought process there (get it?). But he does try Glenlivet 18 year old scotch for the first time, on air.

Some short talk about video games and Ryan’s response to John’s first Red Light, Green Light submission, Da Vinci’s Inquest.

Then the guys talk evolution of tastes in music, use of music as therapy, music as an autobiography for times in your life, and a bunch of other stuff. They also talk surprising choices in music and both think rap sucks…TAKE THAT ALEX!

ATCpod Episode 07 – Music Theories

Show Notes

0:00 – 1:10 Intro – current
1:16 – 1:54Here Comes the Boom : Kevin James
1:54 – 2:35Adam Sandler
2:36 – 5:10 Scotch talk. Glenlivet 18 taste test. (it’s actually a lot cheaper than I thought, hurray!)
5:11 – 6:00 Ryan needs to drink more! He’s doing it for you
6:02 – 6:46 ATC fans/Facebook/podcast talk
6:47 – 9:27 XCOM: Enemy Unknown for Xbox 360
9:28 – 12:25  More game talk. Piracy
12:41 – 13:48 Red Light, Green Light: Da Vinci’s Inquest, sort of result
13:50 – 55:07  Music
55:08 – 55:38 (intermission) music by Justin Sessink
55:39 – 1:03:28 News
1:03:29 – End …the end

In the next two episodes (hopefully) some combination of people will be talking about scary stuff! So if you have any suggestions send them in.
Next week we’ll discuss the growth and presence of scary TV.
And posting on Halloween we’ll have a scary movie discussion, featuring another devilish game that Ryan plans to torture Alex and John with. Muwhahahahahaha….okay, done.


Extra, Extra! 008: Red Light, Green Light – Da Vinci’s Inquest

Extra, Extra! John pitches the CBC show DaVinci’s Inquest to Alex & Ryan as kind of predecessor of The Wire and other cop shows, such as CSI.

Extra, Extra! 008: RLGL, DaVinci’s Inquest

Extra, Extra! 007: Entertaiment planned parenthood…wait, no

In this poorly titled Extra, Extra! The ATCpod crew is joined by John’s wife, Jessica, and newly born baby, Grace, to discuss the entertainment landscape of parenthood. Is it a barren wasteland, an oasis or a growing, changing ecosystem of a metaphor that is really getting away from me?…sorry.

ATCpod Extra, Extra! 007

Episode 06: A. Trivial Conversation

The ATCpod crew talk in their cave.

This week the ATCpod crew (Ryan, John & Alex) have A. Trivial Conversation (see what I did there?) about entertainment.

Loosely starting out by discussing a movie or show you can re-watch over and over the boys have a nice, pleasant talk.

Then Ryan runs a game and everyone hates everyone. Not really, but it would have been funny.  (Editor’s note: Ryan fumbled the “no hint” rule a few times, but a game reconstruction expert’s analysis proved the ending would have still been the same, give or take a few points.)

Download: ATC Ep06 A. Trivial Conversation


0:05 –  1:37   New music from Justin Sessink
1:38 – 2:22  Emlio Esteves is getting fat
2:23 – 3:06  Charlie Sheen’s weird jutting chin – 3 1/2 men? The chin must
count as an extra man.
3:11 – 6:36 John’s spoiler immunity & Ryan’s total disbelief such a thing exists
6:37 – 43:20    Entertainment you can replay over and over
                   7:40 – 9:25      Topic diversion: Time left for Super Hero movies?
9:29 – 14:04 Pulp Fiction discussion
10:31 – 12:40 Samuel L. Jackson discussion
10:58 Ryan & Alex mean Anthony Anderson
         12:41 – 13:18 Jackie Brown
         14:05 – 16:19     Caddyshack & Bill Murray
16:54 – 19:57   The Shield, Chiklis, Vegas
19:58 – 23:07   Men in Black, Independence Day, Sahara
 23:08 – 24:34   Topic diversion: Movies that avoided you
Ronin, Memento, A Few Good Men
 24:35 – 25:57   Good to watch, but don’t own:
Beverly Hills Cop, Metro, My Cousin Vinnie
25:58 – 27:39    Ryan’s difficulty watching some movies
Godfather 2, Westerns
27:40 – 29:32    Snatch, Star Wars
29:33 – 31:34    Topic Re-diversion:
Super heroes, monster movies, Spiderman 3mo
31:35 – 43:10     District 9, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump
          37:20 – 43:20     Movies you avoided
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Where the Buffalo Roam, The Rum                                     Diary, Tigerland, Phone Booth, Sideways
43:15 – 43:49 Intermission music by Justin Sessink of Scenario
43:50 – 1:14:53 Game
1:14:54 – End – Outro

Extra, Extra! 006 – Budget Entertainment

In Extra, Extra #006: Ryan, Alex & John discuss entertaining yourself on a budget.

Choosing between what to purchase, utilizing free and demo games, borrowing friends’ media, used merchandise…everything except pirating…because they’d never do that.

How do you entertain yourself without spending a lot?

ATC-Ex006 – Budget Entertainment

Extra, Extra 005: New to Me: The Walking Dead

In Extra, Extra #5 John gives his first impression of the first episode of Walking Dead after finally trying out the series.

After some initial mental conflicts with the similarities between the start of Walking Dead and 28 Days later, John’s bell gets rung by the potential of the series.

Also, Alex clicks a pen…the whole FUCKING time! After this episode, Alex was killed…so no worries on that happening again.

ATC-Ex005 – New to Me: The Walking Dead

Episode 05: Dexterous

This week Alex and Ryan are joined by frequent news contributor John. Comment and convince him he should be rotated in as a regular member.

In a first of firsts the boys clock in the podcast in just under an hour.

In a second of firsts, no news, sorry.

But Ryan and Alex discuss Looper, briefly (Ryan’s review article available). Ryan talks about Borderlands 2.

In a Showtime showdown Alex and Ryan discuss the start of the second season of Showtime’s Homeland and all three guys talk about Dexter for the majority of the episode.

Then, in a sort of test run, Ryan pits John and Alex against each other in description variant of Name That Tune about Dexter.

ATCpod Episode 05: Dexterous

Show notes:
0 – 3:09 Intro
3:09 – 8:15 Looper
8:30 – 11:08 borderlands 2
11:12 – 14:05 homeland
14:06 – 42-30 dexter
42:32 – (end) game & outro

The once and future hitman. A review of Looper

After our short, basically worthless, talk on Looper for this week’s episode, I felt compelled to flesh out my thoughts on the movie a little further.

At face value, the first value you have to get past is Joseph Gordon Levitt‘s face. The prosthetic/computer manipulation of this face can be a little distracting, because you know it’s JGL under there, but it doesn’t look like him. So your brain is constantly mining the screen with your eye-drills to find some true nugget of pure Levitt ore or find the heart of the alchemy the producers were going for to smelt Levitt’s features into some Bruce Willis alloy.
Enough on that metaphor? Good, because the sooner you get by that the sooner you can get to the true silver of this movie. I’m done, I promise.

Looper isn’t really a time travel movie, it just has time travel in it. It isn’t really a futuristic movie, it just has the future in it (sort of). It isn’t really a hitman movie, a gangster movie, an etc. etc. movie, it just has etc. in it.

That is kind of what makes it a good movie. There are a lot of layers that make it an interesting movie to try to pick apart in one sitting. Which is why I will probably be going  back to watch it in the next chance I get, just to delve a little deeper.

From here on out, there be spoilers.

I’m going to jump around to parts I want to talk about, if you want the whole story, go watch the damn movie

In 2044 time travel doesn’t exist, but in 2074 it does, but is illegal. So only criminals use it, they send back people to be killed because disposing of bodies in the future is extremely hard to do, due to trackers or some such stuff.

Joe (young version: Levitt, old version: Willis) is a Looper. Which are basically hitmen, that are the silver screen equivalent of a camper in any first person shooter video game. They stand in a spot where they know someone will be and they wait for them to show up, then shoot them and take their reward. You find out fairly quickly that the last kill that Loopers make is they kill the future version of themselves, get a big payday (not the candy bar, a bunch of gold bars) and then spend the next 30 years of their life partying or whatever until they get sent back. This seemed like a strange ass setup to me.

I assume this is the premise seed that grew the whole movie tree, but it wasn’t really explained in a fashion that made any sense. “To close their loop” isn’t a good explanation, it is just slang for the explanation that everyone else seems to understand. But the fruit of this movie tree is tasty, so I won’t complain too much.

As often is the point with movies set in the near future, much of the world is similar to now. But there are some things that felt a little off to me. Being a car guy the automobiles bugged me a little bit. Young Joe’s daily driver is what most citizens seem to have, a current day vehicle (2008 to present) that have some cables and wires coming out of the gas cap and other parts of the car. I assumed this meant some kind of electric breakthrough revolutionized the auto industry, but when cars drive they sounded like standard gas-powered cars to me. But there are also hover bikes, which are apparently huge pieces of shit.
And the fact that Joe’s “covered with a tarp – sweet, weekend machine” car in the movie is played by a fucking Mazda Miata, leads me to believe that the auto industry came to a sudden and cataclysmic end that destroyed any cars that are actually pretty AND fun to drive.
But, that’s just a tiny point that few people will even notice.

A surprising, seemingly small plot point, that turns out to be a fairly large part of Joe’s future, is the revelation that a small percentage of the population are TKs (telekinetics). Joe describes the power, that one of the other Loopers has, as pretty lame, because all anyone (mostly) can do is float quarters.

As it turns out whispers Joe has been hearing about a new crime boss in the future, called the Rainmaker, has  been “closing loops” at an alarming rate and young Joe comes face to face with old Joe (who is apparently way more badass than young Joe). In their first meeting Old Joe, despite being on his knees and weighed down with a back-load of gold, quickly bested his younger self.

In some kind of paradox rewind/fast forward or wormhole sneak peek you get to see Joe’s 30 year future after he shoots his old self in the field, what seems like ages before he later shoots his current self in a different field.
You get to see what brings a man, who had no problem essentially signing his life away at one point, back to fight his younger self to lengthen his future that should have been.

Since Joe Young (not the mighty monkey) failed to kill Joe Old they are both being hunted by Abe (not Lincoln, Jeff Daniels) and his team of gangsters; including a sniveling, twirpy guy “Kid Blue,” whose character worked well for me because I just hated his whole being from the start, and a short appearance by an actor I like seeing play the bad ass, Garret Dillahunt. He appears as another bounty hunter type in the house of the boy who grows up to be the Rainmaker, who Joe is trying to protect/kill so he can live-his-own-life/have-his-old-future. It is from this little TK powerhouse (nuclear rated) of a kid that Dillahunt’s swaggering bit character, Jesse, meets a floating…gooey end.

While the first gen of TK people are weaklings this chubby-cheeked, bowl-cut monster can float every object in a room AND turn a man into a new thin, dripping style of red wallpaper that probably won’t catch on.

The kid, Cid, is played quite well by Pierce Gagnon, especially in his house-shattering bitch fits, during an early one of which you see his mom run and lock herself into a safe. A lot of times little kids trying to look angry is comical, but give this little dude a toothbrush mustache and he’d pull off a pretty good Hitler. Razor sharp little baby teeth and staring up through his eyebrows, it’ll cause you to pause, because Cid don’t fuck around.

Like I said, the time travel is just kind of there, it’s nothing new to go back to a time when there wasn’t time travel, Willis has done it previously in the slightly twisted pic 12 Monkeys, but in Looper sending people back in time is the stand-in for the trunk of Lincoln Continental. Somehow, that squeaky rat has got to get to the dock for his cement shoe fitting or to a field to be shot in the chest with a blunderbuss.

Which was another thing I like and didn’t like at the same time. I appreciated the throwback, but in this verging on dystopian setting I can’t imagine gun control has suddenly caught on. Sure, the boss dude might only want them to use short range guns, but any man who KILLS PEOPLE FOR A LIVING would probably have more than a little pea-shooter as a backup piece.

Overall, it was worth seeing and I’ll probably see it again, just for sheer enjoyment.